I am participating in an online show devoted to pet lovers called Pet
The Preview is on now: During the preview enjoy a sneak peek
at just a sample of what each artist will have available during the
show! these are my 2 preview pieces a bulldog and a dog necklace (front
and back)
Visit the Soft Sculpture Gallery for furry dogs, cats,
bunnies, mice and many other pets made by 30+ international fiber
Browse the Pet Boutique where you'll find handmade items by crafters the world over for both pet lovers and their beloved pets!
Martha's Website
About Me

- Martha Burch
- I am a teddy bear artist by profession. I also play rhythm guitar with a local bluegrass band on weekends that I am not off to teddy bear shows. I have a very funny papillon named PJ. He is 10 years old and he keeps me mobile by making me take him walking every day. I love antiquing and use many of my finds for my teddy bears. I am just starting to do mixed media artwork and collage. You can find some of my things my website:www.marthasbears.com
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