About Me

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I am a teddy bear artist by profession. I also play rhythm guitar with a local bluegrass band on weekends that I am not off to teddy bear shows. I have a very funny papillon named PJ. He is 10 years old and he keeps me mobile by making me take him walking every day. I love antiquing and use many of my finds for my teddy bears. I am just starting to do mixed media artwork and collage. You can find some of my things my website:www.marthasbears.com

Thursday, May 22, 2014

stuff to sell and stuff to keep

I am going through everything I own to sort out stuff to keep and stuff to sell.  WHAT A MESS!!!

Life is kind of overwhelming at the moment and I find that a good purge helps clear my head.  I hope that it will be cold and cloudy so that I don't want to go outside and play instead. 

I will be posting things on etsy, but will have pics here before I do to give you a feel for what I have to get rid of.

I have also committed to do a talk at the Kansas City Jubilee bear show in Sept - the topic: "What are you going to do with that?"

So I may be keeping more than I originally hoped just for that talk.


Unknown said...

If you come across any colored Bear eyes, or bits and pieces of leftover mohair to make a mismatched bear with, Please let me know... I know the Purge feeling, Trust me...when I get there, it's like Look out World! :)

Kays Kids said...

Martha what a great topic for a talk. I'm sure I could rattle on for quite a while on that topic. Good luck with your cleaning out. I need to start at my place.
Hugs Kay

Martha Burch said...

Well, let's talk about this. Maybe we could do a massive online trade or rummage. Wouldn't it be fun to get rid of some of our junk and trade it for other junk???

Unknown said...

The trading sounds fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!