I just finished a new owl. He is 7" tall and made from an antique wool skirt (over a sturdy wool underlay.) The wool "feathers" are not hemmed or fray checked. I wanted them to fray a little to look like feathers. He was very fun to make.
Hallo who ween |
Hallo who ween |
Wonderful!!! What you've done with this fabric is so well suited to the owl creation. I'd be very surprised if this little guy stays with you for very long - unless of course, he's not for sale. Great job!
How wonderful your owl looks, He should be in Harry Potter or some spooky story. I adore him.
Wow, Martha, your imagination has no end! I'm impressed... and he's just the thing for the Online Hallowe'en Tour, don't you think?
I am making more of these guys -- I love him!
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